
Whether you’re looking over potential first jobs, preparing for a career change, or making some lifestyle changes, the EPICS imagery career test provides meaningful guidance. As a result, EPICS offers practical insights intended to steer you toward professional success and personal fulfillment! Find your ideal career with us- Your EPICS Journey!

Live your purpose and work at a fulfilling job.
Road sign with Success Ahead and a road leading into the distance with water on one side and beautiful clouds
Why wait? TODAY, you can begin your journey to SUCCESS
Woman thin king of being a doctor, chef, construction worker, teacher, executive
Not sure what to do? The EPICS assessment gives real insight.

Why Take Tests?

Want to be HAPPY again? Start your ideal career journey with EPICS!

$39.99 Gets You

Two unique 3-letter Holland codes to check out jobs, learn about your best environment and more!

Dog in front of an opened laptop with eye glasses on
EPICS Photo Career Test

Chalk board with a smiley face, a neutral face and a sad face. the smiley face is checked off
Unique 3-letter code that describes you and the best place to work

Chalkboard with PLAN on it with a lightbulb, and the words goals, communication, teamwork, results, risks, control, organize, planning, execute, development, analysis and quality
Action Steps to help peel back the layers for the perfect job

You get to take the test. Discover your unique code. Points you in the right direction for success.

Use your Holland codes to look up jobs that share the same traits you do.

The Strategy Planner lets you craft your career into a purposeful and EPICS life!


Your EPICS Journey - TP

Karen translated any visions or ideas I had into action plans

"Working with Karen was absolutely amazing and her method was easy to use. To make sure I fully understood my results she took the time to break down each section and explain what they meant and how I should move forward from there. She was punctual and respectful to me by always being early to our zoom meetings and promptly responding to emails. She also was excellent at translating any visions or ideas I had into action plans. All in all my experience was top notch and would highly recommend to anyone looking to find the right career for them."

Tristan P.

Personal Fulfillment

Wonderful way to discover creative pieces of myself

"I truly enjoyed the EPICS workshop as a wonderful way to discover those more creative pieces of myself which impact my teaching. Whether I realize it or not, I bring ideas to my instruction that are formulated by my hopes, experiences, and dreams; what's important to me, I hope to make important to others, and my EPICS journey helped me discover this."

Shennen F.

Your EPICS Journey - Christine - Our client testimonials

Enlightening information!

" I was amazed at how much I learned about myself and the environment I can work best in. The Epics assessment was spot on about my personality/ working style but the environmental style was enlightening information! And it was actually fun to do! "

Christine M.

Personal Fulfillment

Results Were Spot-On

"The EPICS assessment was spot-on accurate. I was always very skeptical of such methods but there was no arguing with the results."

George S.

Personal Fulfillment

Investment in Self!

“Taking EPICS was the best 20 minutes I’ve ever invested in myself!”

Shelly B.

Personal Fulfillment

This has been an excellent tool!

“This has been an excellent tool. The answers are VERY clear. Cannot wait to report back where I land!”

Sara G.


The Environment and Personality Intuitive Card Sort (EPICS Imagery Career Test) helps you to recognize main traits in your personality. These themes are based on the Holland themes.

These character traits you’re naturally express, when talking or in your actions. Receiving clarity about these traits could enable you to use them into career choices or work place advancement.

EPICS is made up of picture cards designed to evoke instinctive, emotional and real responses. The responses are impacted by past experiences, emotional ties, likes, and your gut.

Using the creative side of your brain, EPICS points out personality strengths as well as the barriers that might prevent you from moving forward. The EPICS results can also be a starting point for personal change.

Visit for testimonials, in-depth information on the Holland Interest codes, certification, and more.